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my everything

my everything
she's so perfect ! beautiful and amazing x0x0

Kamis, 02 September 2010

I do not know why always felt myself as if nobody wants to hear and understand me. I am one who likes to share and not to all. all the problems I have learned a lesson and I feel myself and I make a lesson. especially about love, I do not understand what love is first, but now too many things that hurt me and make me understand what love is and how I play it. family, I am proud and happy in my family even though sometimes frustrating as the lack of make my child think about his parents. but I thank the lord because in my family has provided the perfect sustenance and happiness as well as delicious. God bless. but friends, I find it hard to accept the lack of my friend, for some reason but I always tried to establish good relationships and friendships we have formed. I'm happy with the people around me, they made me proud and got up. thank god you're giving them in my life.

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